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FIVA celebrates increase in younger enthusiasts

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 17:00:00 UTC


Al Suttie

Rising numbers of young in classic sector

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FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens) has noted an increase in the number of young people coming into the classic car sector at its Annual General Assembly, which was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Addressing the 200 participants at the meeting, newly re-elected FIVA President Tiddo Bresters said: ‘At times, attracting younger enthusiasts has seemed a hard hill to climb. However, two factors have helped kick-start an extremely welcome change. First, by embracing social media, often the chosen method of organising events and get-togethers for younger people, we’ve been able to welcome a significant lowering of the average age of enthusiasts participating in our events.

‘Secondly, we are delighted to see the so-called ‘emerging countries’ of the international historic vehicle community bringing a whole swathe of younger people, often women, to the fold. This certainly applies to the two new countries on the FIVA map, Albania and Georgia.’

Bresters added: ‘I believe the historic vehicle movement has more reason for optimism than at any time in the recent past.’

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